Friday, September 4, 2009

Loving life

Well its only been a couple weeks since I have been on the new kick to get my life back on the track that I want and already things are coming together. Its really amazing how the universe reacts when you start putting out positive vibes and just plainly stating what you want.

If you would have told me a month ago that I would be doing the things that I am doing right now I wouldnt have believed you. I am puppeteering in a play which not only gets me puppeteering in public finally but also gets me back in front of a live audience. Its really been great to get back into rehearsals and get back to mingling with great theatre folk.

Im also working on another super secret project that I cant talk about other than to say that it really is a dream come true. It is something that I have dreamed about my whole life and I am happy to say that it is everything that I hoped it would be and more. Im sure I will be able to tell more in a while but for right now, my lips are sealed.

With my new busy life my time with the guitar has sadly fallen away. I feel the caluses on my fingers going away. Im hoping that once the show opens I will have more time during the week to get back into it.

Well thats my update for this week. Cant wait to talk about what the super secret thing is but good things come to those who wait.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Things happen fast

Well, as you can tell my blogging efforts havent been the best but a lot of things have been happening lately.

On Tuesday I received an email from a friend telling me about a show in need of a puppeteer. One of their actresses had to drop out due to an injury and they were looking to replace her ASAP. After a few emails, an audition, and a few more emails I have now joined the cast of The Gogol Project.

I went to my first rehearsal last night and had a great time. Its really nice to get back into theatre. I havent done a theatre piece since I was in Steel Magnolias back in 2002. Its intimidating to go back but it is making me realize how much I missed being in and working in a theatre.

My other efforts have sadly dropped off. After a great session of yoga this past weekend with my good friend Karen I haven't had time to do any more and I haven't worked out in about a week.

The one thing that I have kept up with consistently has been my guitar practice. I am developing some nice calluses on my fingertips and picking up more chords. Now that we are trying to meet a deadline at work and with rehearsals for the show its going to be tough to find time to do any work with it. Im hoping to at least play enough to not lose the progress that I have made so far though I doubt I will be able to keep making any significant progress for a while.

Last Friday was also Avatar Day! It was very exciting to see the teaser trailer released and to get to see 15 minutes of the film on the big screen.

I worked on Avatar for over a year and two of the set that I helped design were in the 15 minutes that were shown. It was really nice to see all of that work translated to the big screen.

Thats all for now.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Off to a good start

Well, this morning it was yoga, workout, guitar practice and a new puppet vid. I have already accomplished all of my goals for the day and Im feeling good.

The new vid can be found here:

I have realized that the action on my guitar is pretty high so I may try to go to a guitar shop today to find a new guitar. Im afraid that the action on this one cant be lowered very easily. I think I need to go somewhere with knowledgeable people who can steer me in the direction of a good starter guitar.

So here we go. Off to have fun the rest of the day.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 2

Well, I am happy to report that today I accomplished 4 out of the 5 goals I had set aside.

I woke up, did some nice yoga, worked out, practiced guitar and went to improv class.

Why is it that the one thing in my life that I really want to do is the one thing that I never seem to pick up, my puppets. Well, planning on a Jenny rant tomorrow.

Now I am starving so its time for dinner. Will post more on my progress tomorrow.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Changing my life - Day 1

Well I finally decided to do it. Im going to change my life. This sounds like a huge thing to accomplish, and I have tried before but this time it will happen. I have more confidence in that than I have ever had and, I am starting this blog as a place where my friends can keep up with my struggles and keep me accountable to myself.

For the longest time I have been scared to do things that I have wanted to do my entire life. Along with that, I have lied to myself about how I am pursuing my goals. I have realized recently things that people have been telling me all my life.

- You need to make things happen. You cant just wait for them to happen to you.
- Make your own opportunities. (Especially in this town)
- Pursue your goals
- Its ok to dream, you just have to back up that dream with some action

So, those things said...

Many of you know that my whole life I have wanted to be a puppeteer. The odd thing is that I was paralyzed by that dream. I didnt even pick up a puppet until a few years ago. When I finally did it seemed to come to me naturally. I still have a lot to work on but I do think, now more than ever, that puppetry is what I am meant to do.

There are many other things on my to do list of life that I am going to stop putting aside and start working on.

So here is my list to date:


Practice yoga every day
Workout every day
Learn guitar
Get back into performing in any fashion
Work on my puppetry skills every day
Get scuba certified

Now I do have some obstacles. Mainly that my current job demands a lot of time. I am going to take this one step at a time and do as much as I can. Hopefully without burning myself out.

So, here on Day 1 it begins.

Tonight - I will pick up my guitar and practice chords. (Thanks Matt for the tips)
Tomorrow - I will do some improv, I will practice my guitar, I will create a puppet vid and post on YouTube.

Hopefully thats not all that I will do but hey, I shouldnt start too ambitiously. Baby steps that I can definitely do are much better to start with I think.

So thanks for reading and the support that I know you all will be giving me along the way. Today is the start of a happier life path for me. Time to get back to living my life and stop watching it go by.